Objects to play with!

Objects are the core of reality from which we learn to live, learn to act and learn to do things through, their is no other point to life but the objects we have built or use in life.

We all began as objects and objects are where we return, thus we should make more objects as these are the keys to what we are as builders and constructors of these physical things known.

So the let us learn the betterment of our creations through the objects we make in time and again!

The objects we create

Building object is about the way of life we live and how we need more tools and entertainments to pass the time until death, this is truth because we all require objects to live and like objects our life is object oriented and thus totally void of reason beyond tool creation from any point.

The existent of God is false, their is no god at all, rather their is only the objects we sprung from and return to, to oblivion, this is simply true because we are objects to begin with and have no object within our consciousness to be after death, when the things become inanimate again.

While we are alive for a time, the days after are not in question as we must live to build and dominate the objects around us until the day of our passing from which we are no more, we simply live in a place of objects that gave us life, that we get to control as an exchange for them bring us life until they take it again inanimately.

We are conscious among the dead, whom know not!

We are stuck in reality, which is not a problem because of the objects but we are going to die after a while because this is just how life is, we are born and then return to death, their isn't a reason in a world made of objects either, it is just life this way as we build more things to do for the next living!

We should remember that we are all here to make objects for each other and thus we should be moral as we work on our different creations, such that we have more from each other and ourselves, their is no evil in the objects and thus their is none for man, as objects know no good or bad!

Objects are their for us to control, but simply as a sort of revenge against them as thank you for letting us live. 

Life is simple here and everywhere in the cosmos, we simply invent things and live playing with them and doing things greater with them, our lives are interesting because we only get so many objects to play with and we then pass back to inanimity with peace and rest!

Thus we live and go of to sleep in peace.

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