To describe Melonyon

This is a portion of the description of Melonyon, which is a landscape of interesting and novel ideas and a world beyond the natures of the things within the world called earth, which sits next to it in self transcendence, it is of a different sort of organised view and as such the transient differences may confuse you, none the less I have provided pictures of its topics to better help understand what its like in Melonyon.

Let us thus begin this experience into the things above the game.

The study of mirages within Melonyon

Melonyon is a place that studies objects in a strange way, by looking at them in new ways to see what else they could be, through their appearances and forms, trying their best not to modify the form but merely imagining something else that looks like it. 

For example they take plants of certain shapes and then form new ideas out of that previously discovered idea, which may have been from the original world of earth or other.

This concept of using appearances, is an important tool, because it is also used for other very similar purposes within the world at large of Melonyon.

It is important to note that in this landscape, these mirages are not real but imaginings of the actual object, which can be transcended other ways or kept as a miraged portion, as it is a hypermodular possibility.

The object within this drawing, originated as a plant, then became a hologram projector in that shape using light that is projected on a background to create apparent 3d objects from one angle. Interestingly, this tool can rotate as well, leading to this 3d object being visible from multiple angles.

Extended info on mirages

Examples of this study are above in the second picture, they resemble other objects, but do not resemble their original insperation, this is because in making everything look the same you become confused as to what anything is.

None the less, they are explained below:
  • The net is able swipe for objects and living beings on its own without as much angular effort as would usually be needed, thus it makes it more unpredictable.
  • The spoon like object detects flavor and remembers which flavors you don't like, thus it informs you on whether you will like a meal or will not.
  • The Strange shape is a multidimensional and asymmetrical shape space that is meant to represent another dimension of existence, as such appears odd and out of place.
The mirages are not the inherent goals of the people of Melonyon, rather the pursuit of that which is yonder to the stardust is what they pursue. The stardust is the sky of their world , which is of such great distance they travel to other planets in a very different fashion then known on earth.

None the less , they cannot yet reach the yonder of it, what they can do however is use the stars to guide them to different planetary mirages transcendent to that of the objects on earth:
  • Like this constellation becoming a coat shaper, which shapes the clothing in different ways depending on its shape, rather then merely hang the coat on it.

Plat area travel

Rather then taking advanced spaceships to the planets outside their own, at this juncture, the people of Melonyon practice a simpler form of planetary travel, while working on the more advanced form, this simple form is quite powerful and is used to visibly change the way they see the world.

Using the same process of mirages in another way, they take the appearance of objects and make them resemble other things and if they truly like it that way, they work to have their own home or area resemble that greater part of the universe, thus their homes are amalgamations of distance worlds in appearance. 

This travel is multidimensional and permits the alteration of their area into personalized forms of the universe they have discovered in the scaffolding of that area, while not everyone can afford full blown alterations they can still  explore and modify portions in different manners, including art, which alters the appearance of the area on canvas, or use the simple mirage as part of the mod.

This form of travel  to other worlds is vital to their eventually going onwards to yonder, but it is uncertain how it will manifest, but is noted in the advancement that these worlds created are different from Melonyon.

They also play games like the previously described one, which allows them to explore other parts of the greater multiverse cluster, which they sit at the edge of in all directions, permitting them to venture to any point in the clustered landscape.

Prepost-apocalyptic technology

What is also interesting about the world of Melonyon, is that they live as if their was no longer electricity even though they have access to it any day of the week, this lack of energy use both saves of electricity when it is absolutely needed and permits less waist of it and environmental corruption by it.

Thus the people of Melonyon will do their best to find the electrically lacking form of the invention they create, unless it absolutely requires it, such that they can still use it in their world, but without using a power source that isn't themselves in some form.

As such their lighting system is made of swarms of bio-luminescent fireflies and while they don't use cars, they have flying cars that do not use electricity at all, using only wind up propellers to travel about within the greater landscape.

They also play games like the one above, in which you role a dice down a tube and try to catch it in a lower portion, with has containers with various points, this game is actually quite fun and isn't hard to build out of paper holders, paper towel tubes, and cracker plastic holders.

This  is used in tandem with primitisation, thus they limit their tech away from electricity and make it in the simplest most primitive fashion, such that it is simple and still totally functional, as such their world while appearing advanced is far more simple then it appears.

Spray states

Another limited asset belonging to the people of Melonyon is static spray abilities which are merely basic unchanging tools that can be considered primitive structures they use for entertainment when bored. This simplistic toys or tools are able to do some things.

The above examples are random card pets that you simply read to know what their doing.

Time reading rocks interpretation to construct virtual phental adventures ( explained at a later date )

and painting the light to create new landscapes.

However, these basic constructs are not as advanced as scientific endeavor which they hope to match, as such they must look beyond the idea of electricity ( which they avoid ) to construct something advanced technologically.

They are currently working on an update to the pet card system and eventually a computer! But they are uncertain how it will turn out.

this concludes some basic explanations of the world of Melonyon.


Arriving in an old land that Mazer ruled once long ago, Mazer decided to add a monster here in what came about after he left.

Thus they began preparations to turn this place back into a land of fear:

  1. Why would you put yourself through so much suffering without electricity?
  2. Because you like the pain of it and you like the difficulty that comes along with it.
  3. It would be pointless the achieve things here, if it took technology to build your lack of it.
  4. This is much like the monster, The Sufaificrit.
The Sufaificrit, is a dastadly monster, who isn't alive and does not move, but none the less it drains pleasure and ensures harder passing through its effect on the surroundings and makes for hypocritical effects, which in turn cause great despair.

It is the creature that lives in great pain, for not moving and spreads it with its mind to be less lonely.

It was made from a man wearing Armour in the city of Melonyon.



The four heroes arrived quickly as they were not far from this place, having defeated the last monster they were confident in their abilities to defeat this monster.

They saw that it was able to cause an inability to build Nology without the help of technology and needed to help the people of Melonyon, because Melonyon didn't want to use electricity.

So the four friends put away their weapons, since it was rude to use them during the battle and they prepared a plan ( to begin from scratch and find the alternatives to get to the other dreams of Melonyon )

but as this happened Mazer and frineds arrived and began improving the monster, from behind it, they added, with code:

run program:

{ Situation }

Then the four villains snuck off without the four heroes knowing, headed back to their base:

Those four heroes went to use hammers to break the rock, but upon hitting the hammer, the hammer broke and thus the four friends realized something about the monster was forbidding it from being destroyed.

They had to retreat, due to being unable to withstand the monsters effect for long.

So they returned to their realm, to find another way to solve the monster's effect. Listing here the problem with it:
  • They couldn't use technology to defeat it
  • They couldn't use nology to defeat it
  • They couldn't use memetic magic either
  • They needed something greater then it
then they went here:


Code continuing...

Destroying area applied...

Complete. Deactivating and shutting down.

The monster was deleted by the code.

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