Solving the problems of reality together!

As a beginning for the day, i will discuss the nature of both reality and the way to solving problems successfully. We will do this constructively by listening to both the atheist and theistic view of reality as both are a part of the truth above.

We live among a world of several truths that are important to either view of faith or reason. We will discuss them below as they are important to know for ourselves. Their are more things in this world however then just these basic component parts, these are the truths of life current.
  • Death is the main issue to be overcome for the next world coming
  • Our wisdom is important, for it gives us knowledge of the earth
  • We should not spend time only in worship of god, because it is distracting
  • Our world can be fixed with scientific endeavor, which can improve it
  • Their is a place we go after death, thus we should respect the choice in them
  • People are allowed different views within the reality, that let them live happily
  • God and spirits can sometimes help us too, although we must help ourselves too
  • While we want to fix these problems we must ensure to hear others while doing so

Peace and Truth be with this knowledge!

Our great reality is composed of four very special super properties beyond the four phases which distinguish the auras of meaning in our world.
  • Our works may be hard but they are doable 
  • We have power over many things that are good
  • We breath in the life that we live, our purpose grows
  • When we begin a new journey, we light our way there
These things are the abilities  we use to solve this world.

We use science to better improve the reality we are in and also learn wisdom from the wise prophets that spoke of these things long ago, we overcome the hell we live in by choice to carry ourselves to the greater heaven above!

We chose to come here because we wanted to have a story of repair from which to grow together, the world above is always there and can be accessed at meany times, while we work to the ends greater then today. The problems of today are to fade away with the growth of the things we face each day in the life!

Still, how do we use the science and the words of ourselves to solve the problems and escape the places below, we here the complaints of the many sides of an issue and we go above the views and ideas of the many, by hearing the whole truth of people and their view, an example follows:

  • Space travel and the worlds nature: Some believe the earth is flat and others round, this puts space travel in question, but we can note that both God and nature would let us go to space, be it a dome mirage or empty void.
  • Sex and the problem of doing it: Some want to have sex, we have condoms and others think this is bad, but we can know that it should be limited and not constant and we should practice safe sex or avoid it as best can!
Let's see what kind of trouble we can learn from a combination of these two solutions, to solve!

If we are ever to space travel, we need to be careful how much sex we have, even when we enjoy these urges it is wiser to avoid sex to some degree because abortion is sad and thus it is better to avoid sex, while also enjoying our lives in space, especially because their is only so much room on a spaceship. It is one of the keys of space travel, because we need to ensure as a group that we don't overpopulate the spaceship!

We must look for the ways to better solutions because our situation is in appearence bad until we have solved it for our story and plot of being.

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