A boring landscape of the future!

Making objects of different kinds = Deconstructing ideas towards the same end

We will be discussing idea deconstruction  within this piece of work, such that we will learn how to deconstruct arguments for various positive truth saying into the lies we live and breath, such that we know more can come about from greater hell!

We will do this with 7 concepts, thus we will have a surplus of hell to live in after this post and I am excited to do this as I have become bored of our current burning and must continue to shuffle about the infinite hell fire, becoming bored again. The 7 positive concepts are below.

  • long works are potent
  • changing the mood helps
  • painting is a transcendental art
  • repairing the world is creative
  • going beyond is definitive
  • interacting with others is important
  • communication between places is good
Now we corrupt them to become something of use to us, such that they are vile and true lied!

Long works are potent: This is a basic work of information, rather then a long work of apparently compelling information, because the person thinks its a large book rather then a small concentration of information. Why do I use a small amount of information rather then a large one? Because it confuses the truthsayers and makes them regurgitate their truths with certainty.

Changing the mood helps: It does nothing, changing the mood only lightens or darkens the mundane as if to say it is better when nothing has changed and thus no one has gained anything ever from helping the mood or altering it in any shape of form. We are trapped here in mundanity so long as forever and thus we must try to gain more aspects mundane but accept it as is.

Painting is a transcendental art: If painting transcends all value and becomes something it is not, while being good and noble and capable of beauty, why can i paint things debauched and cruel, tormenting and festering and transcend them as well in a manner of explicit becoming. It is because art is not a medium of good like any other, but one of divided decay.

Repairing the world is creative: Repairing the world is creative only because their is an infinite amount of problems to overcome and no end in sight of what is curable because at the moment of having finished all problems "creatively" do we find the solution to the next problem, undo the solutions to have something to do with our  time and place it in reverse.

Going beyond is definitive: You can check in but you can never leave, their is nothing beyond what can't be found in the next dorm of hell and one cannot find a thing in the world that is not a mundane concept in itself, such that the means to going beyond is definitive in not the natural way but boring normal way and cannot gain much more then little from going beyond in hell.

Interacting with others is important: We see the world of people and others as something to be desired, to have friends is one of the most popular things to have in this world, but truly it is nothing more then two animals saying gibberish to each other and craving to do other occupations that entertain them together, while being nothing more then each others clothing to wear.

Communication between places is good: Certainly one can discuss with other countries on what to do and learn from them about how they feel, but their is little hope in changing them at all because they simply remain as they are, their will thus never be a single order of things, because their can never be unanimous agreement in hell or elsewhere even.

Now let us evidently converge these views into a system of hell, such that what we did not yet understand in our ignorance will become as a new pain to carry about. In transcending our domains of hell, do we gain more interesting pains to experience and casually live within, still their is little more then the mundane.

We speak simply, while living mundane lives painting the macabre and solving problems eternally. Our hell is but a place of mundane beyond more mundane and we collect people as friends to wear as styles and beg others to listen. Thus we live in eternal boredom, while collecting more borish things and beg others to come to us for our desperate collection.

This I dare say is the perfect counterpart to the mindless rabirazies, because we do nothing but speak gibberish, have sex and eat while collecting parts that are boring and uninteresting like people or ideas to do boring things with. Thus we are nothing more then gatherers of the boring and mundane, we hope only for this too as their is only this to be had!

Next let us look into the causes of our future and why in knowing the future do we gain more boring revelations and know what is coming! Especially when we can select the future we seek, isn't that right luck?

We want to know that we are safe oneday, thus we ask the cards what will happen to us and it will obviously tell us good things, because we can know this well. Thus we learn that our futures will be a certain way and then we take that future and we know it thus it does not suprise us when it comes and thus we increase our boredom considerably. The interest and hidden future is thus lost!

Thus our lives become boring and we wander about in search of the next boredom! Below is a drawing of a strange creature!

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