Rebuttal and Constructive Discord

Group thought in paradise and the living nature

Did you know that thoughts can coexist because together in their separate qualities they become more advanced in interaction and that in working within more then one group everyone gains a little more of their own worlds and others, such that coexistence becomes a means of advancement towards a greater end that is not only share in both but also in difference? In this example we will learn from two noble views that are very different!

The first is that which states that we are determined beings in a natural landscape that carries no creation or becoming, but is rather acts from its own group functions and interactions through unanimous action and co construction of various meaningless purposes.

The second is that which states that we a free will people in a created cosmos that holds to its creator and growth, and does function together as a divided whole for the purpose of advancing love through measures transcendent from the meaning and constructions surrounding them.

As such, the two views are determined interaction and free transcendence, we can learn from them through work within the field of their interests and gain from it something of value that can exist as it is described in each, this will allow us to create an example of each reality that we will then make understandings between instead of violence.

Destermined interaction creates a universe where the act of building a towel pen is an international force like the act of making new models of reality from divergent additional objects discovered, this provides them with a means of creating their world as they see fit. They are searching for a means of better calculating the reality they stand within that describes a thing transcendent to their determined interaction.

Free transcendence creates a universe where the act of surrounding oneself with love ascended from beyond the nature of stones and objects creates an ability that is greater then the potency of physicality, this act of love within each other creates a force of community and self that sustains. They seek a way to gather this energy in ability and use it to their advantage such that their love does sustain them purposely.

Thus they will each persue their ends through a constructive discussion between their views:

DS : In creating objects we provide the measurements of what and how, the universe provides the material and our knowledge of it.

FT : In our love we create acts of love towards each other, this act can manifest as material, mind or both and creates a world of it in truth

DS : Love is not the act of creating objects at all, for it uses a means of emotion rather then knowledge to effect its reality in a manner that is counter to measurement!

FT : Using material principles of the universes nature, our reality does not sustain itself in accordance with existence functional existence within subjectivity and love!

DS : This is because a measurement is not related to an emotion at all, it is not how we feel the length should be but how it actually is within our own decisions on what we make!

FT: Love is the act of what one other feels and should help them with and beyond, it can not be a nature of object creation solely due to this act of feeling being beyond material.

DS : I pursue something whose effect is transcendent to material law, by which to no more, what I have found here in this is that love is an example of transcendent materiality, I theorize more!

FT : I seek the means of controlling our love, such that we have greater love in this world and purpose, thus i note that we can measure values of love in knowledge of the person themselves!

Thus we see that in the discord of either party did they discover something they seeked or pursued, within the conversation with another. As such we have gained two new parts to our reality that are beyond the things we searched for and a utility of advancement for our living and discussions!

What is of interest is that we are given choice in whether to remain where we are without the transcendence or with it, because it creates a new practice encouraged within the work of the people within a group that can divide into more then one group of interest, we can therefore be different people rather then clones of each other that carry no personality.

We are held together unanimously because we are distinctive groups of  friends with reasons to act as different roles in a society, even at distances where we don't really know each other, its actively better to be different people because it leads to significantly greater discovery within our learning of the noble reality, which is without boredom in our interests because people have right to change.

How do we cease war between difference, by not hating a different person and by refraining from excessive resource use and control, because its overconsumptions creates the problem and its continuity as their is no true end to material object, only time constraints of permitted use. We can use a material for a time, but it has made itself clear that it is to be shared by its guaranteed eventual absence.Thus we share our resources and use the natural lent time of use.

With the help of constructive discord and restraint, we improve the likelihood of less war within the reign of those who do it for the good, because we work together instead of apart and restrain ourselves from the overconsumption of materials that should be shared among many people and nations. As we do not do violence because it is not of a noble and moral standpoint, we do not play video games involving violence, even though they cause no harm of technical nature, because they still encourage violent behavior and are non the less violent acts.

Thus we preserve peace through a lack of violence, restraint and self defense at necessity, such that we can better live our lives in the world as peaceful individuals. 

Is it not in having less then a wealth of material things that we find true happiness in a limited environment, rather then in ever grasping for more and finding no true cure of self in the lesser things of life, the material world may harbor tools and entertainment, but it is truly in the self and its restraint that one gains greater good and joy through what they do without the violence.

While we spend our time in restraint we can better enjoy life as it is meant to be without pain and without unfortunate events occurring, since our lives no longer carry the greater problem of pain as one of its actions, letting us better live as unique and coexisting individuals.

Greater peace, greater ideas

In this portion of the post, I will discuss both the greater acts of peace within our world, which I have discussed previously ( restraint, peacefulness ) and relate them to the  two previously mentioned views we made peace between in some degrees, which will become a part of our existence here on earth. 

If we take to the first idea, of determined interaction which creates objects within sets of rules of other objects behaviors in a manner that creates new functional systems of work and doing for the passing of time, however we must remember to remain peaceful while doing it and not creating something dangerous which we have no true reason for.

Below is an example of a created object based on the interactions and utilities of objects: 

  • Cardboard is soft and flat, Rocks are hard and misshapen together they make a form of sculptor involving stone and cardboard.
The second idea is the act of free transcendence, in which we use the force of  love to accomplish just that and other and work to use this force for good and improving the greater transcendental nature of reality outside the things we usually would do, we remember to treat this act with some restrain to refrain from overconsumption of too many offerings to each other.

Below is an example of an act of love within the force of this process that we use:

  • Your friend is having a bad day, the person hasn't seen their boyfriend thus you offer to bring them to the store for ice cream!
But we have not shown what follows from the conversation we had between the contradicted views, which permits a different utility within the greater study of  either field of interest.

Advancements in our works:

Determined interaction seeked an end, which was something transcendent to the object laws they knew and they discovered a means within the greater understanding of other forces like love, although they chose not to study that one, and rather pursued a different one, resulting in:

  • Fabrication is a force of material construction, which is controlled by the mind and body, it permits the construction of semi material objects that result in being both mental and physical!
An example follows

  • A cardboard stone statue used to represent the nature of the human soul and as such requires the viewer to imagine that the soul has been made manifest as the statue, through the artists powers.
Free transcendence persued the end of finding a means of measuring their love to better control it and use it effectively, they chose to borrow the nature of determined interactions ability to measure the objects to perform their constructions, thus they will persue this in their work, resulting in:

  • System of measurement : 
  1.  Small
  2. Medium
  3. Large
  4. Extravagant
However we need a better example of these measurements to know what kind of love were working with when working the love among our group, this also permits clusters of a variety of love in an almost artful manner.

  • A smile at a passing friends is an example of small love
  • A gift of pizza at a persons birthday is an example of medium love
  • Suprising someone with free house work on a random day, is large love
  • The love of a mother and her child is a form of extravagant love!

In conclusion

The act of restrain in love forbids the act from becoming creepy, the act peacefulness in interactions helps keep the world peaceful especially among the area one resides in. We can create vast chains of love through measurement and objects transcendent to themselves with fabrication and as such the world becomes a beautiful place.

Below is a symbolic drawing of what we have learned today!

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