The hellish upgrade

Today we will study the horrors of the bodily reality and why in solving problems do we create new hells for ourselves, these problems are illusionary because each resolution creates new problems from which to take part in happily, we will do this because shifting the hell is like bliss only terrible!

Several tools will be used including our previous sets of phases and elements of nature, thus if you are unfamiliar with what I'm talking about, find it in the rest of hell! Keeping that in mind let us create a horrible truth of life, such that we can move on to the next level of our hell below! However, I also want to corrupt good ol'pharaths stuff so lets do that afterwards!


Blood, Teeth, Rot [ torture

We bleed from the constant chewing of our own rot, this torture drags us onwards onto more!

Aka, we are constantly tormented by our crazy cravings of things to do and wander about in search of more desperately, begging ourselves for more and more difference until their is nothing left as their never was behind the constant bleeding that might aswell be nothing!

Then let's take this trouble and solve it with a little restraint! Oh my!

Now we wait desperately toiling in boredom with nothing to do grasping at less to be good, while doing nothing with our lives until death as if their was not hope to begin with, the glorious thing about it is that some people llike either one and cannot convert one to the other making the whole thing a sadomasochistic mess!

But wiser is the dgo creature that restrains and consumes, for he prooves in being both and even deeper level of the true lies we all live!

Anyways now that we've seen that curing a problem, only gives us other issues, let us go off to see the problems of pharaths little and innocent world!

  • When you live forever, you get really bored and change as a person or die anyways
  • Our wisdom creates more gibberish to disagree on as we persue the “truth” among lies
  • In ignoring god, you loose a part of reality and thus you are missing out on life either or
  • Science may be able to fix things, it also ruins things at times for being science!
  • If we go somewhere in death, we have no escape from our being so constant!
  • Our views are bullshit and everyone disagrees, we cannot be in unanimous agreement.
  • Men submit to non existence in hopes that nothing help them do things they can do
  • Even hearing each other for solutions, leads to their own problems deeper!

Lets blend this mess of hellish ideas to see what exactly that place is like:

A place of eternal boredom and death, of ignorance and disagreement with missing parts and destructive invention forevermore. Where they are counter unanimous and submit to nonexistence itself while praising greater problems.

I like this place! Let's make it a little worse by:

Countering the distructive science and making it fake! So that their can be no end to the suffering in all places all while pleasuring our bored receptors forever in undead and dead nature as we walk along false destructions and deny reality even more!

Praise the lie as we are ignorant! Rarw!

Oh, but theirs so much more in the places that are deeper in Pharaths world, such that we can infect this place of purity and kindness with our lies of ignorance and filth again!

  • Working is difficult and we do it anyways
  • We have power of the whole of hell forevermore
  • We pant constantly as our world get hotter in the best way
  • We follow a burningly dark light that leads us nowhere

Let us look at what this creates, before increasing the temperature with an advancement!

We work tirelessly to have power of a hell that then demands lessening power, as we pant for more horrid natures, while staying plastered to a screen like insects trying to get into heaven, that is nothing more then a lightbulb.

This is where we are, I am pleased and content, Growl!

Let us increase the temperature now and witness the truth of both these things combined and furtherwed to the ends of our current rotten state.

We are creatures that work to pretend to destroy the earth, because we long for suffering in lessened power as we pant for boredom and rise again and again for more as insects willingly trapped against a wall of glass, denying reality on the other side of night!

Praise the horror of our doomed landscapes!

The prophets of the truthsayers speak of other lands and other places that are better then here, we the dogs knows the lies are better and seek the great end that is already present and made better each day, we descend only into darkness.

We change the story every so often to create a worse scenario in different environments, thus the world is made better by its eternal shifting from one section of hell to another without end, watching the decay and spending the days in our great paradise that is our hell. We face these things head on each day as we wander undead!

Speaking of wich, the world around us is far more improved by the beauty of more then one hell to explore, when we are still only in the realm of flesh and worms, where our minds our virtual we can also travel abroad to the lands below, this is so cool, because its like space travel in hell!

  • Canvas is a place where we are fake representations on a wall, nothing more but flat sketches left to dry and hang as paintings in a debauched museum to stare at each other in boredom forever and painting more things in this place forever. Empty painting robots made to paint things neithernatural.
  • The leather and obscured world of only shadows where we are nothing more then mechanical monsters enjoying our deterministic lives in an environment of slowly ruining leather and nothingness for miles. Where we persue nothing at all but roam around like nutcrackers made of mechanical and flipfloping parts.

These are the worlds I have found while exploring the torment, we live now however not in one of these but all of them at once, this place has thus gotten an upgrade of words and horrors!

We are creatures stuck on a flat and canvased parchment, where we are but sketches of robotics baddly drawn and mechanical wood molds make our bodies move aimlessly about as our fleshy bits wag in the cooking sun, as we peel away scraps of leather to chew on nothing, we live and look like monsters as we struggle to live another day in the neithernatural darkness that consumes both day and night, while wandering about as nothing more then sketchy and eradic scribbles of no self and no mind beyond a cascade of virtuality that speaks gibberish.

Still even this place shall grow, it shall become so incoherent we shall infact be but maddened fools in a folly of hellish moans and growls, beastly demons under a suned moon and mooned sun.

This is our home my fwiends, we are the place we were welcomed too by force. Rarw!

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