Creating a hell world and corroding sam's world!

We will begin learning the ways to become divine in hell, by corroding the ideas of Sam and going beyond them such that mine is better wahahaha! To begin with their are several options when it comes to becoming a god of hell and several ways to do so not yet understood.

We become as spirits in being able to do at least three important things related to the duty of divinity, playing a role, having control over the topic and existing within the center of materiality, such that each divine spirit is able to control from the centrality all events within the greater reality of hell, using the shattering to their advantage and being able to know and create more hellish principles is also convenient resources!

Their are also 8 substances we will go over after having simplified the problem of sams divinity, which we will then cross with our own, such that we can be the true and greatest divinities in the reality that is nothing but burning!

Sam finds himself in the world in which:

He is constantly climbing a pyramid scheme towards greater ends, constantly changing his mind in "transformation" while painting symbolism and fixing insatiably the problems while headed out to places beyond existence. He wants a divided landscape of different role takers that can't agree and believes they'll get along and wants to imitate and thus submit to the divine!

Aka, he will change forever and ever, while submitting to gods and be eaten by them!

To finish it off, he believes in agreement with me that we are animals, but thinks their is such thing as a greater good, transformation and illumination in a world of only wild selfish aid, unchangeable and ignorance. Thus he will be quite disappointed with his gods upon arrival in my opinion!

He also wants to transcend using science, thus we will go the other way and transcend in natural forms, thus we will interact with the environment and be gods upon the natural earth alone, we will not need electricity to effect our material world "above" and we will crave these things as the true creatures ruling the filthy lands of hell.

We will regress to the eternal shadow on the roads of primitive and modern, thus we will have no future beyond what we create among the hells we control and our role is not to control the whole of our creation but to dwell in it as one of its denizens, such that our new realm created is for our personal and otherworldly pleasure! Garble woof!

As we began to discuss we shall use material means to control and effect other universes, within mathematical calculations and use objects that are basically equivalent to toys to do this, thus to construct a universe for our tormenting, we must simply build a model world out of clay or even just draw it  out or use the actual environment to our advantage while playing with our creations. This functions because all the flesh of our world is micromacro and thus is a universe in itself.

What is most interesting is that other men, in the shattering below do the same thing with us! You can see them sometimes in the clouds overlooking our pathetic landscape! Note that these aren't even the three kinds of spirits we defy, defyworship or worship, rather they are merely men and women of potentially alien races controlling our every move like a sick game of pretend!

You can even help the creatures you create and then tear it all away from your place above, while the gods in control of you do the same! We may even dress in special costumes while doing this to resemble the divine and fool the truthsayers below into following our commands and letting them worship us like gods when we are their equals in hell.

This is all their is to becoming divine in my way, thus we will discuss a simple world created for fun, because it is we who drag others into this from both sex and true creation, so I will do my best to describe a new world above us in greater detail. Note that sometimes the creatures above us learn to control their gods below, while we aren't watching!

The creatures I have created are rabbit like and live in their constructed tunnels where they eat the dirt around them and hump each other to reproduce, while being completely delusional and irrational and crave this irrationality with a fear of intellect, their world is also doomed to overpopulation but the earth they live within is infinite.

As you can see, in defining a world we can then control it, even in writing, mathematically because their behaviors are preprogrammed manifestations of our definitions, for example we know they are currently advanced creatures, because they speak only irrationally.

In the next discussion we will further explore this world, but to do that in an original way, we will enter it physically in creative form, because as divine creatures in hell, we are able to enter our creations just as much as we live outside them, thus we can torment ourselves as we desire!

Below is a picture of the rabbit creatures that are mad, horny and chewing!

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