On solutions and Protaphors

Solving problems towards a moral form is actually beneficial rather then a downfall because we are able to live without pain in living in a world without it, this pain is the only thing we seek to end through morality and good and thus this is the only reason for its existence, to be removed so we return to the high planes of light!

So then let us solve a problem within our world, such that their is no more pain in that section of reality and thus can showcase once again the power of good over evil and pain, this is in relation to our previous posts on our view of taking into consideration multiple perspectives to find a better solution among the noble of each.

Our over consumption of the natural resources is unfortunate due to it taking up a vaster portion of resources for someone else, both in food and in material because we are greedy often times when we should seek to restrain ourselves not  in will nor in legality, but in surrounding such that we find a measure of what we need without taking too much do to its distance from us.

This permits us to restrain ourselves from our greed without force of either ourselves or another, this is a better way, because we choose to leave out what we can't get to and live in a more minimal fashion through the distance of what we can acquire. Thus we would live away from the stores so that it requires more effort and is less easy to get to.

However, we now have lots of time between our acts of fetching the food and resource because we don't want to be constantly traveling to the location of the materials we need, thus we need something to do that is entertaining while not being violent or over materially consuming, because this permits a better lifestyle that is moral. We might as well also in this imaginary landscape gain our electricity from the sun since that resource is technically continuous and generally environmentally safe for small groups.

Thus our advanced problem is locating non violent forms of entertainment that require limited and sometimes even no resource!

So then let us convert Dan's criticism of my world into various games and activities of non violent measures and then let us resolve the conflict between his debauched and animilistic degradation and my human and noble ways.

  • Meditating on the worlds problems and solutions
  • Studying the nature of reality and learning of new ideas
  • Praying to the God of choice, or learning to improve ones reasoning
  • A physics card game to study a reality and its nature ( we might cover it later on )
  • Painting pictures or drawing beautifully detailed and designed landscapes
  • Reading non violent poetry or writing this down and creating peace in word
  • Puzzles are a wonderful example of a game where their is no winner
  • Care taking of animals and plants in a manner of kindness and love.
Now let us look into what Dan's issues are with me, and clarify the confusion of his ways that blind him to truth:

We live not die, but to explore both in death and in life and we shall overcome death in the end as it is a problem in itself. We agree that the good of life is important, that we need that nobility. What we don't have is that knowledge in complete on this day, but one day. We do not have to and should not make destructive technology, this is quite obvious and those who deny this end by that act anyways. It isn't about being different at all, because life is about living as we are, our solutions should transcend even unanimity, this is why we have right to believe or disbelieve in God. We do not praise problems, we praise the best of the options that do make life better.

Now let us pick up the mess Dan made and turn it to fertilizer, as he is becoming quite the animal. I don't mean this in offence, as Dan genuinely wants to be an animal.

We wont even live with fake violence, as this action is no more cruel and violent as its real counterpart and leads to a world where people spend their days harming each other instead of being productive, none the less if a beast needs its food it should be let go to eat. Life can actually be quite fun, when we do the things we love, if you can't be peaceful because you  love other things, this world that I am making is not for you, but if you like the peace, then you inherit the calm of it.

Give thanks to the world, for it lets us fix it as we are!

Let us explore a few more solutions to Dan's issues with the world:

  • We shouldn't have to work, when we have robots
  • Power is bad, we should not control the whole of existence
  • Life is about our created meaning and value
  • We shouldn't follow the fool, we should live according to ourselves
Let's see a greater detail of this above, an further it to a greater end of paradise.

In the coming world, robots will do most of the work and we will be able to act freely without undesired work, we will not control the world so much as we will live in it as we wish created meaning and value, while not following false leaders to unfortunate ends and live as men and women as created by nature and anything above.

Let us discuss these two heavenly parts in details to uncover any problems within its reign, that we will then solve:

Our world will be without violence or work, within the place of our residence and our lively hood. Our place of residence will be together within places of being that are distant from our greed and we will live in harmony through our entertainments and live as true men and women among our views made perfect.

I haven't given that much detail  on where we ascend to and descended from, thus I feel the need to describe this place in greater detail, and the reasoning of why we descended to begin with and why we shall return in the end, however, because the whole of this heaven remains hidden from  us in the search of the solutions and moralities we have yet to find, we will have to describe it in prophesied metaphor. 

However, where does this prophesied metaphor come from?

We will cal these things by a name, that will be the Protaphor, because they both speak of the keys to the paradise above, and are a metaphorical form of divination that hints upon the coming world from above. They originate from within the heart and are written by a focus upon the noble and good and the dreamlike. We have discussed the human body before a vessel of sort for the world, much the stomach is dreams, the heart is the future we go to which comes in vitality of greater importance and need then the stomach!

Thus to create protaphor, one must simply write automatically in silence, while thinking of the good and beautiful and all things above that are better then the pains of today and yesterday, but we do not necessarily know what these things we speak are, thus the message appears as coded metaphore and as such is transcendent to the words spoken as usual, here is my first protaphor:

  • In the merry winds of Tralam, the soaking dew shined each morning as the twelve cycles of life reverberate across the noble life, the essence of which is transcendent to the nature of the city and woods upon which dwell things whom traverse often. We above upon the shining clouds sing an answer of certain numbers which can be grasped as grapes upon the story of our lives and beauty of our love. Which of the seven ways not known yet, has come to show us the way even farther?
This shows us some of the things above we still know not, because the key is in the inspiration and search for those things we have yet to discover in ourselves, and in our solutions, which when having applied the Protaphor, creates its foretold eventually manifestation, thus while we cannot know today exactly what it means, in pondering on it for a time, does the whole of it come to pass by our search for its existence in our lives.

So then let us leave it as that for now, we will attempt it in detail later, in its own post, to learn the coming wonders above, which transcend the natures below.

In conclusion to this post, I would like to share but a drawing of a beautiful landscape, which carries no meaning or reason, but is simply there for the beauty of it! Especially since i got a new art program and my art is no longer pixilated.

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