God and the wasteland

God and his torturous game

God is all of us, he is the whole divided awareness of ourselves and as each of us know or do not we are in hell helplessly. We could try to ignore it but none the less the pain lives on in all of us, as we know too much as the wisest thought forms of god! Their is no spirit in reality above us because man creates the spirits themselves as they burn, to pass the time. This only makes things worse.

As creatures of pain we wander in search of an escape when their is none as we burn forever in this place and return here after our death, making death but a meaningless reset of our personality traits within the cascading and shifting form of our mindless god. Our bodies are but his flesh, his mind is our own and we are feeble and weak unable to change the world at all.

His body divides into three kinds of awareness, the wild and simple animal, the denying truthsayer that cannot withstand the lie and the ignorant ones who have accepted the lie as it is and have moved on to its exploration begging and screeching in his bowels. We the ignorant love it this way, because we make ourselves love it this way and beg constantly for more lies to fill our void with ignorance as we rot away to be born again in the hell forevermore.

God thrives so desperately to end himself too, even if he cannot and this only brings more suffering, from which we dwell in again and again forever. But as gods knowledge is infinite it only grows from the torment and his power too becomes greater only growing the divide and pain forevermore.

We the ignorant enjoy the pains of our world, just as god does in portions, thus we thrive in this landscape of torment, where all is horrible and wrong ( as their is no right answer ) but still none the less we avoid being bad in law to torture ourselves more and prefer the lesser videogame to provide us the same evil, not that evil is any less with law as all is evil. This permits us to organize and not be destroyed so that we may grow even worse with time!

Further torment is the inability to do things within this landscape that we can only do in the videogame, which permits a weak form of release from the daily mundane and speaking of mundane, we will now discuss the eternal chew stone, a portion of our hell.

Chew stone
the stone is us, chewing on nothing each second as we breath and think, while nothing changes in reality around us as we slowly drown in continued growth shattering of hell and suffocate constantly, still while we suffer in this way their is contradiction as we also are force fed things, while it all shifts and we gasp in collapse hyperventilating constantly.

This is our form in truth among greater things we know already but have no answer too, these things have been hidden under other forms of gibberish so that the truthsayers may speak truth and be futile and knowledgeable while we know they know nothing like us.

Each breath is suffocating and deep, we learn new vile truths each day and we grow with the constant search of it, but that growth collapses the rest in a constant wandering through a maze of lies, begging and forced into more.

We are nothing more then cascades of delusions and this is all god is, a blob of flesh no better then the rest with its own pools of ignorance and filth, which it simply emits like fluids upon others for no desire but to spread its seed of evil to others.

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