Becoming divine!

While all of us are gods and we are able to transcend unto the yonder beyond, the basic knowledge that their is a ruler above is a matter of uncertainty when each part is ruled by a spirit who runs the rest like any other civilization below and it is because of this that we know they are a different level of humanity and man! It is an infinite regress of spirits all the way up and it scatters into layers complex.

Because we are great spirits learning to become equal to greater gods, the death we experience is nothing more then the next level we set up in life today in this reality. We return here in continuity, such that our story are our growing lives which effect the next in chains of interaction, the stronger the spirit, the stronger the self's encounters are.

Our world divides into three composite forms, the animals, the newmen and the divinemen, which create the advancement towards the greater becoming of godhood, the animals have chosen to remain or not awoken and entered the man, the new man are those who entered manhood or womenhood and the divinemen have transcended to the beginnings of godhood after a limbo in the newmen. Each level proceeds in death as only in life can you ascend ( since you always live between deaths )

We seek to firstly make certain that we have made peace with our differences as many kinds of men have come to be different spirits in the ages next come and we must work together to gain these divine forms thus we play the games of the gods, virtual realities like video games instead of actual harm.

We design our worlds within the reasons of laws, as we will be teaching the men below the nature of these laws later and the form of them causes the reason for their becoming, they arise first as ignorant men and grow into adulthood as lawful people. We do not do these things beyond the virtual, because they have made themselves clear in decision not to advance past man and thus they will continue to grow up as men. They will not suffer for this, merely not take up the work above spared for being successful men

These games permit us to grow as spirits and teach those below the same values, we control the aspects of nature and let the men overcome us in the virtual space, because it is in this state that we live outside the universe. Thus we will learn how we grow beyond from here!

Transcending the world!

We travel this landscape in search of things to control, we then decide what it is we want to control in other worlds or here and then we successfully arrive at the root of that thing we want to control here or elsewhere, sometimes it takes the effort of many gods to generate the ability outside the virtual reality we create that is in itself real.

Becoming able to do these great powers, we have the ability beyond that of the everyman, the new man. Thus we become gods on the earth through this, however this basic manipulation is only the beginning of the journey as we then move on to symbols as forms of power, beyond the powers of just transcedental technology and ability. This bridges the gap between the two ends of spirit and physicality.

We look for answers to our questions no longer, instead we seek to imitate the gods in everyway, such that we resemble the spirits they are as they themselves transcend even farther along the scale to the things beyond the divine.

Our minds are the way to the becoming of divinity beyond the mundane world of earth, we must thus work towards transcending ourselves into forms of divinity beyond this stone of reality. In studying the divine in this way we become the new children of the divine the reigned before and after us.

The city that once was, changed by divinity!

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