Sunday, July 15, 2018

Suddenly the game was put away

The previous information on this blog was nothing more then a game played within a greater world that is still descending, thus it is above the world of the game that was merely a single point constructor of various things. It has become tired as Mazer ascended to the higher realm above it and thus the world below was revealed to be virtual and projected from a place above!

We have discussed the multiverse before and that world below was not among it, merely an emulation of greater landscapes outside the nothing it was contained within, as such this blog has become a place of exploration of that true world above, come down to life after playing the game that came before.

The previous game was a virtual reality within the greater landscape of realities within even its domain, as such that game of switching tiles of polarity is common among the place above of Melonyon, which is where we go now, having played a game for a period of time.

The games above and thew pursuit of its goals has come, it is time to return to reality!

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